Results for 'J. Wayne Streilein'

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  1.  22
    Challenges: On the pathogenesis of immune incompetence in the acquired immune deficiency syndrome.J. Wayne Streilein & Wade P. Parks - 1986 - Bioessays 4 (6):286-291.
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    Games theory and philosophical disagreements.J. Wayne Smith - 1983 - Philosophical Papers 12 (2):12-27.
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  3. A simple solution to Mortensen and Priest's truth teller paradox.J. Wayne Smith - 1984 - Logique Et Analyse 27 (6):217.
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  4. Decision utility, incentive salience, and cue-triggered wanting.Kent C. Berridge & J. Wayne Aldridge - 2009 - In Ezequiel Morsella, John A. Bargh & Peter M. Gollwitzer, Oxford handbook of human action. New York: Oxford University Press.
  5. Specific needs of the male adult.W. J. Wayne Skinner, Marilyn White-Campbell & Carl A. Kent - 2019 - In David B. Cooper & Jo Cooper, Palliative care within mental health. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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  6. Service provision.Barbara J. Russell & W. J. Wayne Skinner - 2017 - In David B. Cooper, Ethics in mental-health substance use. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
  7. Hugh J. Silverman and James Barry, Jr., eds., Texts and Dialogues: Maurice Merleau· Ponty Reviewed by.Wayne J. Froman - 1993 - Philosophy in Review 13 (1):59-61.
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    Wayne's World Growing up in Cleveland, Ohio, 1941-1963.Wayne J. Urban - 1995 - Educational Studies 26 (4):301-320.
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    Computing motivation: Incentive salience boosts of drug or appetite states.Kent C. Berridge, Jun Zhang & J. Wayne Aldridge - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (4):440-441.
    Current computational models predict reward based solely on learning. Real motivation involves that but also more. Brain reward systems can dynamically generate incentive salience, by integrating prior learned values with even novel physiological states (e.g., natural appetites; drug-induced mesolimbic sensitization) to cause intense desires that were themselves never learned. We hope future computational models may capture this too.
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    Attentiveness: A Phenomenological Study of the Relation of Memory to Mood.Wayne J. Froman - 2011 - In Hagi Kenaan & Ilit Ferber, Philosophy's moods: the affective grounds of thinking. New York: Springer. pp. 27--38.
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  11. Cognition in Skilled Action: Meshed Control and the Varieties of Skill Experience.Wayne Christensen, John Sutton & Doris J. F. McIlwain - 2016 - Mind and Language 31 (1):37-66.
    We present a synthetic theory of skilled action which proposes that cognitive processes make an important contribution to almost all skilled action, contrary to influential views that many skills are performed largely automatically. Cognitive control is focused on strategic aspects of performance, and plays a greater role as difficulty increases. We offer an analysis of various forms of skill experience and show that the theory provides a better explanation for the full set of these experiences than automatic theories. We further (...)
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  12. Chandran Kukathas and Philip Pettit, Rawls: A Theory of Justice and its Critics Reviewed by.Wayne J. Norman - 1993 - Philosophy in Review 13 (3):104-106.
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  13.  32
    Between and Beyond Augustine and Descartes.Wayne J. Hankey - 2001 - Augustinian Studies 32 (1):65-88.
  14.  40
    La construcción de una Unión Federal Europea.Wayne J. Norman - 1996 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 7:55-71.
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    Ethics, Literature, and Theory: An Introductory Reader.Wayne C. Booth, Dudley Barlow, Orson Scott Card, Anthony Cunningham, John Gardner, Marshall Gregory, John J. Han, Jack Harrell, Richard E. Hart, Barbara A. Heavilin, Marianne Jennings, Charles Johnson, Bernard Malamud, Toni Morrison, Georgia A. Newman, Joyce Carol Oates, Jay Parini, David Parker, James Phelan, Richard A. Posner, Mary R. Reichardt, Nina Rosenstand, Stephen L. Tanner, John Updike, John H. Wallace, Abraham B. Yehoshua & Bruce Young (eds.) - 2005 - Sheed & Ward.
    Do the rich descriptions and narrative shapings of literature provide a valuable resource for readers, writers, philosophers, and everyday people to imagine and confront the ultimate questions of life? Do the human activities of storytelling and complex moral decision-making have a deep connection? What are the moral responsibilities of the artist, critic, and reader? What can religious perspectives—from Catholic to Protestant to Mormon—contribute to literary criticism? Thirty well known contributors reflect on these questions, including iterary theorists Marshall Gregory, James Phelan, (...)
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    To Renew the Impulse.Wayne J. Froman - 2013 - Research in Phenomenology 43 (2):297-307.
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    The soft constraints hypothesis: A rational analysis approach to resource allocation for interactive behavior.Wayne D. Gray, Chris R. Sims, Wai-Tat Fu & Michael J. Schoelles - 2006 - Psychological Review 113 (3):461-482.
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    A Moralist Perchance Appears.Wayne J. Douglass & Robert G. Walker - 1978 - Renascence 31 (1):43-50.
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    M. C. Dillon, ed., Merleau-Ponty Vivant.Wayne J. Froman - 1994 - International Studies in Philosophy 26 (2):114-115.
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    Schelling’s Treatise on the Essence of Human Freedom and Heidegger’s Thought.Wayne J. Froman - 1990 - International Philosophical Quarterly 30 (4):465-480.
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    Motion-parallax cues in one-dimensional polar and parallel projections: Differential velocity and acceleration/displacement change.Wayne A. Hershberger & James J. Starzec - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 103 (4):717.
  22.  44
    Meeting Newell's other challenge: Cognitive architectures as the basis for cognitive engineering.Wayne D. Gray, Michael J. Schoelles & Christopher W. Myers - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (5):609-610.
    We use the Newell Test as a basis for evaluating ACT-R as an effective architecture for cognitive engineering. Of the 12 functional criteria discussed by Anderson & Lebiere (A&L), we discuss the strengths and weaknesses of ACT-R on the six that we postulate are the most relevant to cognitive engineering.
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  23.  44
    Self-Knowledge and God as Other in Augustine.Wayne J. Hankey - 1999 - Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch Fur Antike Und Mittelalter 4 (1):83-123.
    Recent philosophical and theological writing on Augustine in France, England and North America is sharply divided between readings which serve either a historicist, anti-metaphysical, postmodern retrieval or an ahistorical, metaphysical, modern reassertion. The postmodern retrieval begins from a Heideggerian «end of metaphysics» and goes at least some distance with Jacques Derrida's development of its consequences. This essay starts from engagements with Augustine by Derrida and Jean-Luc Marion, moving then to Rowan Williams on the De trinitate, read to prevent comparison with (...)
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    Tree unfolding models.J. Douglas Carroll & Wayne S. DeSarbo - 1989 - In Geert de Soete, Hubert Feger & Karl C. Klauer, New developments in psychological choice modeling. New York, N.Y., U.S.A.: Distributors for the United States and Canada, Elsevier Science. pp. 161.
  25.  21
    Gospel: Life or Observance?: Observations on a Language Shift in the Early Documents.J. A. Wayne Hellmann Ofm Conv - 2006 - Franciscan Studies 64 (1):281-292.
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    ‘Knowing as We Are Known’ in Confessions 10 and Other Philosophical, Augustinian and Christian Obedience to the Delphic Gnothi Seauton from Socrates to Modernity.Wayne J. Hankey - 2003 - Augustinian Studies 34 (1):23-48.
  27. Aquinas, Pseudo-Denys, Proclus and Isaiah VI.6.Wayne J. Hankey - 1997 - Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Âge 64:59-93.
    Aquinas contradicts Isaiah VI. 6 because of his following of the ps. Dionysius, who is in turn reproducing the logical structures of Iamblichus and Proclus. These came to prevail despite doubts raised by earlier medieval theologians with the exception of Eriugena. Here are considered Thomas’ principles of biblical interpretation and the character of his Aristotelianism. His thought is shown to be a form of neoplatonic systematizing as developed by Iamblichus and Proclus.
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    Dionisio deviene agustiniano:" Itinerarium 6, de Buenaventura.Wayne J. Hankey - 1999 - Augustinus 44 (172-175):115-123.
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    God’s Care for Human Individuals: What Neoplatonism Gives to a Christian Doctrine of Providence.Wayne J. Hankey - 2011 - Quaestiones Disputatae 2 (1-2):4-36.
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    San Agustín, san Anselmo y santo Tomás.Wayne J. Hankey - 1981 - Augustinus 26 (103):83-94.
  31.  21
    Deconstructing Radical Orthodoxy: Postmodern Theology, Rhetoric, and Truth.Wayne J. Hankey & Douglas Hedley - 2005 - Routledge.
    Radical Orthodoxy is the most radical and influential theological development in a generation. Many have been bewildered by the range and intensity of the writings which constitute Radical Orthodoxy. This book spans the range of the history of thought discussed by Radical Orthodoxy, tackling the accuracy of the historical narratives on which their position depends. The distinguished contributors examine the history of thought as presented by the movement, presenting a series of critiques of individual Radical Orthodox 'readings' of key thinkers. (...)
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  32. Current trends in psychological theory.Wayne Dennis, Robert Leeper, Harry F. Harlow, James J. Gibson, David Krech, David McK Rioch, W. S. McCulloch & Herbert Feigl - 1951 - University of Pittsburgh Press.
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    Outstanding Foundations Books of 1973.Wayne J. Urban - 1974 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 5 (1&2):23-26.
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    Towards a Mathematical Science of Computation.J. Mccarthy, Cicely M. Popplewell, John Mccarthy & Wayne A. Kalenich - 1962 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 36 (2):346-347.
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  35. Henri-Louis Bergson and Plotinus.Wayne J. Hankey - 2019 - In Stephen Gersh, Plotinus' Legacy: The Transformation of Platonism From the Renaissance to the Modern Era. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
  36. Observers’ Impressions of Unethical Persons and Whistleblowers.Wayne H. Decker & Thomas J. Calo - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 76 (3):309-318.
    Since there have been many recent occurrences of alleged wrongdoing by business persons and other professionals, it seems additional ethics research is needed to obtain knowledge that will impact real-world behavior. An empirical study assessed business students' impressions of hypothetical wrongdoers and whistleblowers. To some extent, impressions of an unethical executive and a whistleblower were influenced by the same variables and in opposite directions. Female respondents judged the unethical executive less favorably and the whistleblower more favorably than did males. The (...)
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    Re-Evaluating Ethical Concerns in Planned Emergency Research Involving Critically Ill Patients: An Interpretation of the Guidance Document from the United States Food and Drug Administration.Wayne T. Nicholson, Richard F. Hinds, James A. Onigkeit & Nathan J. Smischney - 2015 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 26 (1):61-67.
    Background U.S. federal regulations require that certain ethical elements be followed to protect human research subjects. The location and clinical circumstances of a proposed research study can differ substantially and can have significant implications for these ethical considerations. Both the location and clinical circumstances are particularly relevant for research in intensive care units (ICUs), where patients are often unable to provide informed consent to participate in a proposed research intervention. Purpose Our goal is to elaborate on the updated 2013 U.S. (...)
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  38. James Bryant Conant, science, and science education : the uses of history and philosophy.Wayne J. Urban & Sarah E. Wever - 2017 - In Antoinette Errante, Jackie M. Blount & Bruce A. Kimball, Philosophy and history of education: diverse perspectives on their value and relationship. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.
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    San-ch'ü: Its Technique and ImagerySan-ch'u: Its Technique and Imagery.J. I. Crump & Wayne Schlepp - 1972 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 92 (4):550.
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    Action painting and the world-as-picture.Wayne J. Froman - 1988 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 46 (4):469-475.
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  41. Heidegger and Merleau-ponty: Thought in the open.Wayne J. Froman - 2013 - In Francois Raffoul & Eric S. Nelson, The Bloomsbury Companion to Heidegger. New York: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 377.
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    Merleau-Ponty and Phenomenological Philosophy.Wayne J. Froman - 2000 - Études Phénoménologiques 16 (31-32):83-101.
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    Marlène Zarander, La dette impensáe: Heidegger et l'héritage hébraïque.Wayne J. Froman - 1997 - Man and World 30 (4):497-500.
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    Commentary on the sentences: sacraments.Saint Bonaventure, J. A. Wayne Hellmann, Timothy LeCroy & Luke Townsend - 2016 - St. Bonaventure, NY: Franciscan Institute Publications. Edited by J. A. Wayne Hellmann, Timothy LeCroy & Luke Townsend.
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    On Purpose: Four Concerns.Wayne Skinner & Barbara J. Russell - 2012 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 3 (2):61-63.
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    Theoria versus Poesis: Neoplatonism and Trinitarian Difference in Aquinas, John Milbank, Jean‐Luc Marion and John Zizioulas.Wayne J. Hankey - 1999 - Modern Theology 15 (4):387-415.
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  47.  20
    From St. Augustine and St. Denys to Olier and Bérulle’s Spiritual Revolution. [REVIEW]Wayne J. Hankey - 2007 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 63 (3):515-559.
    Prenant comme point de départ les sculptures qui ornent la façade de l’Assemblée nationale du Québec, notamment celles de Marie de l’Incarnation, Jean-Jacques Olier et François de Laval, cet article dégage les fondements augustiniens et pseudo-dionysiens de la spiritualité de la Nouvelle-France. En nous basant sur les comptes rendus de la vie en Nouvelle-France et sur les manuels qui y furent utilisés, nous cherchons à déterminer le type d’augustinisme qui fut enseigné au Séminaire de Québec et au Grand Séminaire de (...)
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    A History of Colonial Education/Early National Education/The Age of the Common School/Community and Class in American Education/The Superschool and the Superstate: American Education in the Twentieth Century.Wayne J. Urban - unknown
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    Essay Review: Old and New Problems in Teacher Unionism.Wayne J. Urban - 1989 - Educational Studies 20 (4):355-364.
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    Tai Chi Training may Reduce Dual Task Gait Variability, a Potential Mediator of Fall Risk, in Healthy Older Adults: Cross-Sectional and Randomized Trial Studies.Peter M. Wayne, Jeffrey M. Hausdorff, Matthew Lough, Brian J. Gow, Lewis Lipsitz, Vera Novak, Eric A. Macklin, Chung-Kang Peng & Brad Manor - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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